Meet us at GEOLAC, Mexico April 25-27

March:2017 Iceland Drilling Company (IDC) will be participating at the upcoming Geothermal Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (GEOLAC). If you will attend GEOLAC as well, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you during the conference.  It would be interesting to learn about your current activities and future plans in the […]

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Iceland Drilling completes IDDP-2 well at Reykjanes

A significant milestone has been reached in the IDDP-2 Project at the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland as drilling was completed in mid-January at 4,650 meter depth. All of the initial targets were reached.  These targets were to drill deep, extract drilling cores, measure the temperature and search for permeability. Temperature at the bottom of the […]

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Drilling Project Starting in Montserrat

Iceland Drilling Company negotiates for a new geothermal drilling project in Montserrat Drilling Project Starting in Montserrat Iceland Drilling Company has reached an agreement with DFID (Department for International Development) for a geothermal drilling project in the Caribbean Island, Montserrat. The drilling contract was signed on 8th of April 2016.  The project involves drilling the […]

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Landsvirkjun og Jarðboranir hf. undirrita samning um boranir á Norðausturlandi

Landsvirkjun og Jarðboranir hf. undirrita samning um boranir á Norðausturlandi

Landsvirkjun og Jarðboranir hf. hafa undirritað verksamning um borun allt að 10 gufuhola á Norðausturlandi. Verkið kemur einkum til vegna gufuöflunar fyrir 2. áfanga Þeistareykjavirkjunar, en til stendur að taka hann í notkun á 2. ársfjórðungi 2018. Á Þeistareykjum er tiltækt gufuafl í núverandi borholum sem jafngildir ríflega 50 MW rafafls og nægir það fyrir […]

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Vistvænn Þór borar eftir orku á Reykjanesi

Vistvænn Þór borar eftir orku á Reykjanesi

HS Orka hf. og Jarðboranir hf. hafa undirritað verksamning um boranir vegna gufuöflunar fyrir jarðvarmavirkjanir HS Orku á Reykjanesi.  Samningurinn tekur til borunar á þremur borholum með möguleika á fimm holum til viðbótar.  Að undangenginni verðkönnun sem HS Orka réðst í reyndist tilboð Jarðborana hagstæðast, því var ákveðið að ganga til samninga við fyrirtækið um […]

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Iceland Drilling makes Deloitte Energy Excellence finals

Iceland drilling has made the finals of the Deloitte Energy Excellence award for Excellence in Health and Safety. IDC has in the past two years, along with the contractors they employ, completed 950,000 hours Lost Time Injury Free and significant injury free, while completing 32 rig moves and 26 wells. The Awards provide an annual […]

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Thor drilling in Reykjanes peninsula

IDC Rig Thor drilling for geothermal in Reykjanes peninsula. As part of this Green Energy Project the rig runs directly on gridpower from the unique geothermal powerplant of HS ORKA. This hightech rig has the ability to fit on tight locations and is therefor ideal for areas with limited access.

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Rig Up on Reykjanes for HS Orka

Rig Up on Reykjanes for HS Orka an Alterra Power company. Rig Thor will drill geothermal well in Reykjanes geothermal field in Iceland. We feed the rig with power from the grid with direct green geothermal electricity. IDC providing a integrated solution to HS Orka.

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Young students on Montserat

Young students from Lighthouse primary school on Montserat visiting the drilling operation with Iceland Drilling. More islands in the Caribbean could benefit from the geothermal expertise the Icelanders are offering.

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